How to make Linux work with USB-to-serial

Written on March 4, 2018;

I am using SourceRabbit G-code sender to control my “Miyazaki” drawing bot. The robot is using CP2102 chip as a virtual com port bridge between USB and control application. Unfortunately it isn’t working out of the box in OpenSuse. USB-to-serial converter is mounted as /dev/ttyUSB0, with following rights:

ls -la /dev/ttyUSB0
crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 188, 0 Mar  4 20:35 /dev/ttyUSB0

Device is owned by root and read and write permissions are granted for the dialout group. The solution is to add your user to correct groups:

  1. Run in terminal sudo usermod -a -G dialout %username%. Current user groups can be checked with groups command.
  2. Log off and login again to apply group changes.
  3. Run application which is using USB-to-serial adapter, e.g. java -jar "SourceRabbit-GCODE-Sender.jar"
  4. SourceRabbit G-code Sender is now working with CP2102 adapter.

SourceRabbit G-code Sender