Ship till you are dead

Written on July 21, 2023; 1 minutes to read
100 projects ship

Challenge: build 100 projects and make them profitable.

Step 1: Choose a Niche Look for a specific tool, service, or calculator that isn’t saturated in the market but still provides a useful function. This could be a tax calculator, a budgeting tool, or something completely different. Consider my interests. If I understand a niche well, I am more likely to build a better tool.

Step 2: Create the Tool* Use plain CSS, JS, other platforms, and technologies to build a simple implementation as fast as possible.

Step 3: Drive Traffic Promote my page on social media, paid ads, etc. People should use it from day one.

Step 4: Set Up Monetization Implement Google Ads, affiliate links, direct sales anything that brings money. The tool should start bringing money in one-year maximum. If not, forget about it.

Step 6: Automate If a tool/service brings money, automate it as much as possible. Robots must work.

Step 6: Exit Keep it generating money as long as it is possible. The goal is to generate a “passive” income that can sustain me.

Current projects

  1. String instrument tuner
  2. Roasting meat time calculator
  3. Budapest events and services website